Listen to the text.

Lise: Erna, hva gjør du?
Erna: Jeg lager en gave til Susanne. Hun har bursdag.
Lise: Hva er det?
Erna: Det er en nisse.
Lise: Jeg forstår ikke. En nisse?
Erna: Ja. Susanne trenger en liten venn. Derfor lager jeg en nisse.
If you'd like to listen to the text on the go (hint: that's a good idea ...), you can download the following audio files. There is a normal speed version and a slow version.
Learn how to pronounce the letter Å
The following video contains all the vocabulary for chapter 1 read by a native speaker:
You can download a list of these words above. That's a great way for you to practice the pronunciation of each word. Try to imitate exactly how the word is said – make sure you watch the position of the lips. Feel free to pause the video after each word and try to say the word yourself, and of course repeat as often as you feel it's necessary ...