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German course for beginners: Jens & Jakob
Let's get started
Hallo! (4:34)
Other helpful stuff
Prologue (2:03)
Before we move on (3:43)
Chapter 1
What to do with the text in this chapter (3:16)
Text (1:40)
Vocabulary trainer
Your first German sentences: verbs & pronouns (6:44)
Modal verbs (4:59)
Strong verbs (2:19)
To be or not to be (0:36)
Haben (0:50)
Tidying up in your brain (2:12)
Your first conversation
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Pronunciation boot camp (24:41)
Pronunciation practice: Z (12:02)
Pronunciation practice: SCH (2:34)
Pronunciation practice: CH (8:38)
Pronunciation practice: vocalized R (2:32)
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 2
Text (0:43)
Du or Sie? (4:18)
More modal verbs: sollen, dürfen (1:05)
Knowledge is power: wissen (0:32)
Numbers (3:51)
Asking questions (3:35)
Making your conversation formal
Pronunciation bootcamp part 2 (19:32)
Pronunciation practice: vowels (4:41)
Pronunciation practice: consonants (4:56)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 3
Text (2:13)
Like coaches of a train: German sentences (5:33)
Which gender are newspapers and cheese? (7:53)
Hello & goodbye (4:04)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Pronunciation practice: "Umlaute" (4:31)
Pronunciation practice: consonants (3:42)
Pronunciation practice: some small details (5:58)
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 4
Text (2:43)
Indefinite articles (2:26)
Being negative: nicht, nein, and kein (3:02)
Telling people what to do (1:55)
Transport (6:32)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
The R sound in German (8:40)
Pronunciation practice (9:55)
Audio exercises for download
Some strategic thoughts about language learning
What is your minimum factor? (4:06)
Finding time for learning German (4:03)
How to fight laziness (3:20)
Chapter 5
Text (3:08)
seit (1:51)
Owning things and persons (5:02)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Pronunciation practice (7:10)
How to fight laziness ... (3:20)
Chapter 6
Text (1:58)
Numbers (5:23)
Past tense with "war" (4:32)
Present perfect (8:46)
Ich hab, ich geh, ich komm (0:48)
Genau! (2:03)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Pronunciation practice (8:42)
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 7
Text (4:01)
A few words about words (3:50)
Future: very easy! (1:45)
Sentence building for pros (3:53)
Objects, Akkusativ, and a little Dativ (11:23)
Past tense with war (4:32)
Time (4:30)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
How to memorize Akkusativ and Dativ endings: The RESE NESE MORMON system (9:11)
Why your German is still bad
Pronunciation: the letter G (3:23)
Chapter 8
Text (5:23)
I know, I know: kennen vs. wissen (4:03)
The ugly case ‒ Akkusativ (7:04)
es gibt (2:15)
Adjectives (5:01)
Grammar 101 cheat sheet (3:49)
Saying things that are too difficult (4:01)
Eating out
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 9
Text (2:41)
To separate or not to separate? Separable verbs (4:21)
Wochentage (Days of the week) (1:57)
Daily routine
Small talk
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 10
Text (3:49)
Verbs ending in -ln (1:13)
Sentence building for real pros (7:08)
Möbel (Furniture)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 11
Text (6:42)
The good case: Dativ (7:28)
man - jemand (1:58)
I like, I like, I like, I like (7:47)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 12
Text (3:52)
werden (3:18)
Funny prepositions - part 1 (4:21)
Funny prepositions - part 2 (2:12)
Funny prepositions - part 3 (3:16)
Giving directions (and understanding them) (3:13)
Saying the date - ordinal numbers (5:22)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 13
Text (7:30)
Present perfect (8:46)
Heute morgen (4:25)
irgend (1:42)
Der Körper - the body
Beim Arzt (At the doctor's)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 14
Text (6:08)
Between two verbs (10:17)
A short note about style
Harder, better, faster, stronger: comparing (5:08)
um / ohne ... zu (2:35)
mindestens / wenigstens (1:03)
Einkaufen (Shopping)
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 15
Text (6:03)
Modal verbs alone (1:48)
But and but (2:53)
Past tense reloaded: Präteritum (10:29)
Talking about things we don‘t even know: es und das (4:47)
Homemaking - Hausarbeit
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 16
Text (8:06)
Nach - nachdem - danach (0:52)
Linking sentences together (6:22)
When long can be short: A few notes about time (4:05)
Quiz: was weißt du über Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz?
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Have you fallen in love with grammar?
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 17
Text (9:03)
sich auskennen (2:21)
Wozu? Dazu! (3:54)
Recycling words (1:24)
Nämlich - zwar (4:50)
Arbeit (Work)
Weddings and knowledge
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
Chapter 18
Text (8:38)
The good, the bad and the ugly – part 3: The bad – Genitiv (6:24)
Things that never happen (yet you want to talk about): Konditional (5:53)
Das Wetter (The weather)
Months & important events
Ausbildung (Education)
Jahreszeiten (Seasons)
Bank, Post, Polizei ...
Grammar and vocabulary exercises
Audio exercises for download
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